SkyGuru aims to calm down those afraid of flying

skyguru app

Here's another interesting aviation app out of Russia. 

If you are reading this blog you may not be among them, but a significant number of people show different degrees of nervousness, anxiety or outright fear when it comes to the prospect of flying.

Alex Gervash, the creator of SkyGuru, and himself a pilot, realized that one of the most effective ways to calm down and soothe nervous passengers is to have someone with expert knowledge explain the different stages and movements of the flight.

And this is exactly what SkyGuru aims to do: it is designed to be your flight companion and explain you every relevant information that concerns the flight: take-off, changes in direction, altitude, etc. as if you had the pilot by your side narrating everything that is going on...

SkyGuru works with a mix of historical, forecasted and real-time information. It takes historical flight pattern information, on a specific flight data from at least seven prior flown sectors on that route is used, it also takes weather information and forecasts, and, perhaps more interestingly, thanks to the smartphone's own sensors is able to register also aircraft movements and changes in pressure while on flight.