Aviation Bookstore

A curated selection of aviation books covering all aspects of the air transport industry, from the epic history of its early days, to the latest airline management techniques driven by state-of-the-art technology.

Airline marketing, management and finance

The airline business is notoriously challenging, even for the best business minds. Profits have proved to be historically elusive, volatile at best, while hefty capital expenditure, regulation and unpredictable shocks must also be taken into account.

Yet, there is not shortage of enthusiastic entrepreneurs willing to take on the business of flying people around…

Here you will find the best books to understand the airline business from a managerial perspective. What do the experts say?



Branson, O’Leary, Trippe…Few industries can boast such a magnificent line-up of larger than life entrepreneurial, even boastful, characters. The history of aviation is rich in stories: gripping tales of ambition, boldness and conquest, of the rise and fall of business empires, and of the popularization of air travel as an essential mode of transportation.


aviation history

From the Wright Brothers all the way to the jet era. The history of commercial aviation and the airline industry is a passionating tale of technological progress, of iconic brand names and of the transformation of global communications.